Hey sweetheart... can we talk about something?
Look, I'm not mad at you. I just don't think it's okay that you implied yesterday that the toddler isn't getting enough "play" time with me. Yes, I sometimes take a few moments to do other things throughout the day, which I think should be fine for me to do. It's true, I'm not playing with him every second of every day... but I do have other things I have to get done sometimes.
Again, I'm not mad. I know you probably didn't mean to communicate that I'm a terrible, deadbeat mom. Or that you can't believe you trust the kids to me every day, degenerate sloth that I am. I mean, logically, I know you didn't mean that. But emotionally, that's a little how I felt. Again, though - I'm not mad at you.
I understand you were just saying that, in general, you'd like to find more activities for the two-year-old to participate in that can help build social and fine motor skills. I understand that you, as his father, have a vested interest in our children's development and you probably weren't implying that I'm the worst mom who's ever lived. Again, logically I know that. But you have to understand that's not exactly how it felt.
Even so, I'm not mad. I guess I am a little hurt. Perhaps slightly wounded, maybe even betrayed. But I'm not mad. It's really fine. I'll just be over here thinking about how not mad I am, watching like a hawk to see if you engage the two-year-old in play immediately after your ten-hour workday.
But I'm not mad.
A journalist spills all after being mistakenly added to a group chat with top Trump officials.