SHINAR — Following the confusion of languages at the Tower of Babel, local merchant Ur-Nammu was witnessed pretending not to understand his wife in an attempt to get out of housework.
"¿Que?" Ur-Nammu reportedly said whenever his wife asked him to do anything, pretending he was fluent in a new language known as Español. "¿Wash... dish-es? ¿Que? No comprendo."
Ur-Nammu's bride, Yanna, was beside herself with frustration. Following the incident at the tower, her father and mother both spoke different languages and now her husband allegedly could not understand her. Yet he only said one word over and over; a word which sounded a lot like "okay." Only after confronting him about all the work he hadn't been doing did she learn he couldn't understand her.
"Everything has been so crazy since that weird stuff at the tower," she said. "He was always helpful with chores and willing to do home improvement projects around the house, but now, every time I ask him to do something for me, it's like he has no idea what I'm saying."
Ur-Nammu's treachery was only discovered after he stubbed his toe and cursed loudly in their native tongue.
"Ok, you got me," he said. "I was really just tired of taking out the trash. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted."
At publishing time, Ur-Nammu was last seen trying to convince God that his wife was trying to build another tower to reach heaven in hopes that He would smite her with a plague.
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