Hillary Clinton Slams Trump For Not Taking A More 'Hands-Off' Approach To Embassy Attack
Politics · Jan 1, 2020 · BabylonBee.com

WASHINGTON, D.C - Hillary Clinton has slammed President Trump on Twitter for not taking a more "hands-off" approach to the protests in Iraq that threatened American lives at the embassy there.

After Trump quickly sent Marines to defend Americans trapped at the embassy, Clinton immediately blasted him for taking such "rash, uncalled-for" action when he could have just "waited around a while to see what happens."

"If I were president, I definitely would have let things play out," she said. "Sending American troops to protect American lives seems a little hasty. What if you need to get a little shut-eye or recharge in your lizard person spawning chamber for a few hours?"

"I would have slept on it first."

She later admitted her criticisms might not matter, because, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Meanwhile, Americans under siege at the embassy took a few moments to thank God that Hillary Clinton is not the president of the United States.

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