ENCHANTED FOREST — Evil Queen Grimhilde resorted to turning her magic mirror off and back on after the mirror claimed that Rachel Zegler was the fairest woman in all the kingdom.
Conducting her standard procedure to identify any potential rivals to her throne, Queen Grimhilde powered on her magic mirror and input her regular prompt "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" resulting in the apparent glitch of Zegler's appearance.
"Ugh, my mirror is on the fritz again," said the Queen, smacking it on the side. "Is this some kind of prank? Good gracious, look at that joyless young woman."
The Evil Queen returned to the home mirror screen and tried the prompt again, but to no avail. "Yeesh, is my vision going?" wondered the Queen. "I know I'm jealous, but I'm not blind. Did everyone else in the kingdom die? I better restart this thing."
Unfortunately, even after rebooting the magic mirror, it still continued to say that Zegler was the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. The Evil Queen, wondering if she was missing something about Zegler's looks, consulted several of the young men in the royal stable.
"Her?" responded the stable boys. "Woof. Sorry, Your Highness. Looks like you've got a defective mirror."
At publishing time, the Evil Queen had asked the mirror who was the most evil woman in the kingdom who yearned for violence against all her detractors, and was once again shocked to see Rachel Zegler.
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