Here Are 10 Dangerous Extremists Attending The Trucker Protest
Sponsored · Feb 8, 2022 ·

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Canada's trucker protest against vaccine mandates is generating headlines worldwide. But what you probably don't realize is that it's full of extremist groups who will stop at nothing to tear down our merciful and benevolent government in the name of freedom.

The Babylon Bee has been made aware of at least ten groups that will have you trembling in fear. Take note, parents: this is what your kids grow up to become when you let them read Tuttle Twins books! 

1) Food Truck Drivers: They're just like regular truck drivers, except they provide nourishment to FASCISTS.

2) Christians: They just will not stop talking about how Jesus is Lord. Heresy! We have no king but Trudeau!

3) Little Kids: Their carefree innocence is a ticking alt-right time bomb that could blow at any minute. Don't be fooled by their joyful laughter.

4) Farmer Jon: Just a regular farmer. But he questions vaccines. Pure evil.

5) FBI Agent Steve Cranston: This FBI agent is known for his involvement in the plot to kidnap governor Whitmer and for storming the capitol on January 6.

6) Geese: The honking will never end as long as this death cult reigns in the skies.

7) Hannah and Zebediah: A local Mennonite homeschooling couple with 12 kids. Literal domestic terrorists.

8) A Moose: Appears to just be grazing, but it's doing so in solidarity with truckers and that's not cool.

9) Grand-mère Béatrice: Suspected of aiding and abetting the fascists by bringing them hot soup and fuel to power their Nazi trucks.

10) Justin Trudeau: Look at him, out in the open without a mask. He has COVID! He's supposed to be in quarantine! Grandma killer! 

NOT SATIRE: Truckers in Canada are teaching the world how to fight for freedom! Unfortunately, we can't count on the government, mainstream media, or schools to teach children about the principles of liberty.

The Tuttle Twins book series teaches children about the ideas of freedom, entrepreneurship, independence, and how to stand up for what's right. Join the Tuttle Twins and help us fight for our culture, the future of our Republic, and for liberty!

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Thank you,

Connor Boyack
Author, Tuttle Twins

P.S. Canada's "Freedom Convoy" is inspiring. Help the Tuttle Twins spark the flame of liberty in the United States. My goal is to raise $5,000 from Bee readers. I'm counting on your help.

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