ATLANTA, GA — An Atlanta concert by rap artist Megan Thee Stallion was delayed for over twenty minutes after a drunk woman rushed the stage and attempted to give a speech.
"Boo!! Get off the stage!" shouted the crowd as security struggled to escort the inebriated woman away from the microphone. "Get back to the music!"
According to sources, the drunk woman behind the commotion appeared to be about sixty years old and was wearing a light blue pantsuit. "It was crazy. This woman in a pantsuit runs on stage and starts shouting in this weird accent, trying to sound like she's from the hood," said concertgoer John Nix. "She wasn't making any sense at all -- went a little hard on those vodka tonics. You gotta pace yourself at a concert. Rookie mistake."
After a delay of just over twenty minutes, security guards managed to remove the woman and the concert resumed. "That nutjob tried to say she was vice president of something, acted all important," reported security guard Dan Miller. "She's up there with all the dancers twerking, yelling in some fake ghetto accent about how 'she gonna do it in 2024'. Some people just can't hold their liquor."
At publishing time, the concert venue had posted signs around the premises warning vendors not to serve alcohol to the woman in question.
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