It's been over 6 months since the Texas abortion ban went into effect... 6 months since conservative Nazis decided to regulate women's bodies - just like in The Handmaid's Tale. The irreparable damage done is unspeakable, as thousands and thousands of babies have now been born that should NEVER have been born. How could this happen in America?
Here are 10 devastating pictures that have come out of Texas in recent months.
Trigger warning: this series of photographs may be difficult to see. You have been warned.
Absolutely disgusting. This is the face of white supremacy.
Sweet dreams, child. You totally ruined someone's life.
Look at this poor mother! She should be working in an office building like a real feminist girlboss, but instead, she's snuggling this soft, pudgy baby. Sick.
This bunny suit may fool some people, but not us. This baby deprived Planned Parenthood of fresh fetal tissue to sell to Dr. Fauci's NIH for experimentation. A tragic blow to science.
This mother has never loved anything more than she loves this baby. She's been brainwashed. By a BABY. Weak.
Triplets? Are you kidding me? So much for reducing your carbon footprint, you horrible person.
This moment of pure bliss... brought to you by the PATRIARCHY.
Black women need Planned Parenthood. This girl's life is forever ruined. You can see it in her eyes.
This baby has Down's Syndrome. Just look how angry he is to be alive! This is wrong.
OMG look at all that hair! So adora-- um, I mean, gross. Disgusting. Yeah. That's what I meant.
A journalist spills all after being mistakenly added to a group chat with top Trump officials.