Democrats Take Gamble That America Is Finally Ready For A Rich, White President
Politics · Feb 20, 2020 ·

U.S. - Democrats are known for pushing the envelope when it comes to their presidential nominations. They are always trying to bring American politics into a new era, breaking the mold with black nominees, female nominees, and also Al Gore.

Now, Democrats are taking a big risk, betting that America is finally ready for a rich, white president.

"The time of the rich, white president has come," said one MSNBC commentator. "To truly be revolutionary, we need to be progressive with our nominees, no matter what the culture says. We need to look to the future, and the future is rich, white presidents."

Many Democrats are hesitant to vote for a rich, white billionaire like Bloomberg, so are instead voting for a rich, white multimillionaire like Sanders.

"The only way for us to get the rich, white billionaire with crazy hair out of the white house is to vote for a rich, white millionaire with crazy hair," said one Sanders supporter. "America is ready."

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