Creflo Dollar Checks Into Rehab For Multiple Scripture Abuse Issues
Celebs · Sep 20, 2017 ·

FAYETTEVILLE, GA - After an embarrassing arrest earlier this year for Preaching Under the Influence of Selfish Ambitions along with several counts of eisegesis, famed prosperity preacher Creflo Dollar of World Changers Church International has entered a rehabilitation facility by court order for a 90-day inpatient stint to deal with "multiple" Scripture abuse issues, sources confirmed Wednesday.

According to the rehab center's website, they specialize in weaning patients off of me-centered, materialistic, heretical theology, while slowly introducing them to a biblical worldview based on exegetically accurate, doctrinally sound teachings.

"We all hope and pray he gets himself sorted out in there," said a friend of Dollar's who wished to remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of the situation. "He's been abusing Scripture for so long, we just hope he's not too far gone."

Dollar's chronic abuse of Scripture is no secret to anyone familiar with the wealthy, flamboyant pastor, as his very public battles and cries for help have been a mainstay in televangelism for decades.

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