Confirmed: Earliest Manuscripts Of Jeremiah Just Had Chapter 29 Verse 11
Scripture · Jan 11, 2017 ·

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL - Newly discovered manuscripts of the prophet Jeremiah's writings have confirmed that the prophet's original words were likely confined to just the eleventh verse of Chapter 29 found in modern Bible translations, with all other parts of the book being forgeries, Bible experts announced Thursday.

Scholars reportedly compared the manuscripts with later copies, and found the writing style in the rest of the book does not match up with the "authentic language" in Jeremiah 29:11.

"Everything except that super-encouraging verse is likely not canonical, added by a scribe at a later date," one expert told reporters. "Apparently someone invented an entire fabricated context around the verse to give it additional depth and meaning, rather than letting it stand as the beautiful, context-less words of positivity and affirmation that Jeremiah originally intended."

Christians worldwide were excited by the news, now knowing they were able to claim the verse stating the Lord has plans to prosper modern-day believers and give them a hope and a future for themselves rather than worry about the now-discarded context.

At publishing time, scholars had also announced that a similar forgery had occurred in the book of Philippians, with chapter 4:13 being the only passage likely penned by the Apostle Paul.

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