JERUSALEM — Apostolic sources report that the Apostle Paul was called into the head office for more mandatory sensitivity training yesterday after firing off another one of his epistles to the church at Galatia.
According to members of the Galatian church, Paul had somehow managed to offend most of the local congregants by calling them "silly little lemmings led astray by a fake and gay gospel" in his letter.
"You're not wrong, Paul, but do you have to be quite so blunt about it?" Peter asked Paul. "And did you have to write that you wish that people harming the church would castrate themselves? I mean, aren't you the guy telling people to speak the truth in love? You know you've got to be winsome to win some, you know."
Members of the Corinthian church, who had also received a fiery letter from Paul, also reportedly asked him to quit talking about "the whole incest thing already," which prompted Paul to write them a letter of correction and "Your Mom" jokes.
"I am not ashamed of calling out sin," Paul told his fellow apostles. "And are we to let open sin go on in the name of sensitivity? By no means! Let us cast aside the sensitivity which ensnares preaching the word and stir up our brothers and sisters to love and good works openly and without fear."
At publishing time, Paul had failed a mandatory human resources training session which involved making allowances for men to have long hair.
The Founding Fathers didn't always agree behind closed doors.