Antifa Member Lectures D-Day Veteran On How To Fight Fascism
Politics · Jun 8, 2020 ·

PORTLAND, OR - Local activist and Antifa member Declyn Cruikshank marked the 76th anniversary of the D-Day invasion by educating a D-Day veteran on how to fight against fascism.

Elmer Dobbins, 94, who lied about his age at 17 in order to join the Army, was sitting near a World War II memorial Saturday, reminiscing about the day he stormed the beaches at Normandy and lost dozens of friends. According to sources, Cruikshank approached and launched into a diatribe about the evil fascist American capitalist system.

Dobbins, who risked his life in 1944 to stop the spread of a totalitarian regime bent on destroying freedom and democracy, listened intently as Cruikshank instructed him on the finer points of fighting the fascist rule of free enterprise. He explained his goal of liberating Americans from the tyranny of democratic elections and private property ownership.

When Captain Dobbins asked how he hoped to triumph in such a great crusade, Declyn replied that he and his friends dress up in uniforms, march into a city to destroy shops and businesses, and intimidate others into shutting up and accepting their superior point of view.

"You'd better get on home, old man," the anti-fascist warrior said, holding a brick. "It's going to be a Night of Broken Glass, or as we like to say, a Kristallnacht. Down with Fascism!"

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