Amy Coney Barrett Holds Press Conference In Handmaid's Tale Costume Just To Mess With Liberals
Politics · Sep 25, 2020 ·

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Shortlisted for Trump's Supreme Court appointment, Judge Amy Coney Barrett held a press conference today where she wore a Handmaid's Tale costume just to freak the Left out.

Barrett walked out in the red cloak and white bonnet, causing most of the reporters gathered to pass out instantly.

"If selected to serve on the Supreme Court, I look forward to forcing women to have babies and ushering in a Catholic theocracy," she said, holding back laughter. "In fact, the first decision I want to hand down is that women who don't have at least seven babies will be executed."

"All hail the Pope! All hail the Pope! All hail the Pope!"

"When you're getting accused of being a theocratic fascist, sometimes you just have to play along," she said afterward as she took off her red robe, revealing her normal black robe underneath. "It's fun to watch them freak out a bit."

She then jumped in her minivan and drove off to drop five of her kids off at soccer practice before going to hear a case as part of her extremely successful career.

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