Amazing: Poll Finds 0% Of Christian Men Are Addicted To Porn
Christian Living · Jan 8, 2019 ·

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A new poll has revealed that 0% of Christian men are addicted to pornography. Pollsters spoke with thousands of Christian men all over the world and asked them, "Are you addicted to porn?" Christian men responded with a resounding, "No siree!"

While the survey administrators expected at least one or two percent of Christian men to admit to having a problem with porn, all the Christian males surveyed revealed their spiritual walk is flawless in this area.

Responses to the survey included the following:

  • "Some guys in my small group are addicted to porn, but not me." 
  • "Yeah, I look at it once in a while, like every day or so, but it's not a problem. I can stop whenever I want to."
  • "The only people who are addicted to porn are God-hating atheists. We Christians are awesome."
  • "First of all, sir, how dare you."
  • "Porn? What's that?"

Well, this is a great new development. We're glad all the totally honest respondents gave us this promising data! It just goes to show that when you become a Christian, you magically become super-spiritual, and you're able to defeat sin without putting any effort in whatsoever.

Great news!

The sad reality is that believers do struggle with sin - around 68% of Christian men view pornography regularly. Thankfully, you and your Christian brothers don't have to confront the porn issue alone. The Conquer Series is a 12-DVD study that nearly 1,000,000 men in over 70 countries have used to find freedom from pornography. If you or the men in your church are fighting the temptation to view porn, the Conquer Series has the resources to help. Check them out here or watch the video below. Plus, you'll save 15% on your Conquer Series DVDs with coupon code BABYLON15 when you order by January 31st.

Order today at!


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