NEW YORK, NY - According to sources, local feminist business executive Sarah McAndrews prefers to unwind after a hard day at work by sitting on the couch with a pint of ice cream while fantasizing about being a happily married stay-at-home mom.
"We all have our own routines to help us unwind after a 12-hour day of doing the bidding of our corporate overlords," said McAndrews while demolishing a pint of Chunky Monkey and half a cheesecake. "Mine just happens to involve eating Ben & Jerry's and daydreaming about being a homeschooling mother of 6 with a garden and a bunch of goats and chickens and a husband who looks like a lumberjack but is a sensitive poet who makes a million dollars per year and gives me everything I want."
Experts claim that approximately 99.8% of feminists in the corporate world unwind the exact same way, while the other 0.2% are male feminists.
"I dare not let anyone know what I fantasize about, otherwise people will think I'm a bad feminist," said McAndrews. "Hey! You're not writing this down, are you?"
At time of publishing, McAndrews started dating a guy but dumped him after finding out he dreamed of marrying a stay-at-home mom and having 6 kids. Gross!
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