Viewers Starting To Doubt Objectivity Of Reporter With 'KAMALA 2020' Face Tattoo
Politics · Feb 20, 2019 ·

U.S. - Viewers of a popular cable news show confirmed Wednesday they're beginning to doubt the impartiality of one of the station's reporters after she appeared on air with her new "KAMALA 2020" face tattoo.

The journalist and on-air personality has been assigned to cover Kamala Harris's 2020 campaign and unveiled the brand new face tattoo on Wednesday morning as she reported live on one of Harris's rallies.

"I'm starting to wonder if she might have a slight bias," said one viewer as he watched the reporter fawn over Kamala Harris's clothes. "I mean, everyone has a little inherent prejudice or bias, but this seems like it might cross a line."

Other viewers agreed, saying they just can't be 100% sure if this reporter will cover Harris's campaign with impartiality. "If it were just like a small 'Go Kamala' tat on her upper back, then no big deal," said a viewer in New York. "But frankly the face tat has me second-guessing her commitment to remain objective."

The reporter's coworkers quickly circled the wagons, pointing out that she also has Bernie Sanders's face tattooed on her ankle.

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