U.S. - A new LifeWay Research study confirmed Monday that the amount of highlighting in one's personal copy of the Scriptures may be a reliable indicator for that person's level of spirituality.
"There's a strong correlation there," LifeWay research associate Rachel Orton told reporters. "We also found that Christians who exaggerate their highlighting motions during a church service or Bible study were extra spiritual."
The rep further stated that Christians who prefer not to draw, underline, or highlight in their Bibles have "almost no relationship with God to speak of."
"One man in Texas had the entire book of Romans highlighted, and he turned out to have the highest levels of spirituality in our entire study," she added.
Subjects who used multiple colors combined with underlines, circles, and stars, were also shown to have exceptionally high levels of spirituality, according to the final results of the study.