NEW YORK, NY — In an effort to introduce more honesty in their branding, NBC has announced a major change to the name of their Peacock streaming service, which will now be called That Service You Only Bought To Watch The Office.
"Let's be real, The Office is the only reason anyone wants our crappy streaming service," said Matt Bond, the Content Distribution Chairman for NBCUniversal. "Seriously--have you seen the latest seasons of SNL and Law & Order? Ha! It's like we're not even trying anymore! But you still have to buy our service if you want to watch The Office! BWA HA HA HA HA HA!"
That Service You Only Bought To Watch The Office is currently available for only $4.99 per month, which is a steal for what it offers, which is unlimited access to the antics of Michael Scott, Jim Halpert, and Dwight Schrute and maybe the occasional Dateline episode for when you're trying to fold laundry and need something to take your mind off it.
Other streaming services have joined the fray in switching to more honest names, including:
- Disney +, now called "24/7 Bluey"
- HBO, now called "BOOBS+"
- Netflix, now called "Gay Stuff"
- Amazon Prime, now called "PLEASE WATCH RINGS OF POWER PLEASE"
- Showtime, now called "You Forgot To Cancel The Free Trial"
At publishing time, millions of customers canceled in protest after NBC revealed they were rebooting The Office.
Under a new presidential order, posting in support of Ukraine will automatically draft you into the military.