Paul Tripp Finds Lost Book Manuscript In Mustache
Celebs · Jan 20, 2017 ·

PHILADELPHIA, PA - Prolific author Paul David Tripp has found a completed book manuscript in his mustache, sources confirmed Friday.

Tripp's stylist, Shelby Spurlock, technically made the discovery. "Paul was sitting in the chair, musing about the Christian life when I accidentally dropped my scissors into his stache," she told reporters. "As I reached my arm in to retrieve them, my finger nicked the future bestseller."

"Could not be more thrilled," tweeted Justin Taylor, executive vice president for book publishing at Crossway. "Slated for release in 2011, vanished the previous fall. No one thought to plumb the depths of Paul's crumb catcher!"

Ironically titled Behind The Stache: How the Gospel Transformed My Marriage, Parenting, Pastoring, Counseling, Writing, Speaking, Dressing, and Facial Hair, the work will be the 66-year-old author's inaugural foray into memoir writing. "A beautiful and bracing look at every single area of the Christian life," Crossway's homepage reads. "Behind the Stacheoffers exclusive access to the musings of a man who can stir your soul on literally any subject."

At publishing time, Tripp was unavailable for comment, as he had reportedly lost his phone after dropping it into his mustache during a call.

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