Netanyahu Asks If He Can Talk To The Real President
World · Jul 23, 2024 ·

WASHINGTON, D.C. — After arriving in the U.S. and finding Joe Biden unavailable, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quickly asked to speak to the actual leader of the free world.

"Can I talk to Trump? Where is Trump? I don't know who these clowns in the White House are but I'd really like to have a meeting with a real president," Bibi inquired on Monday.

The foreign leader was met on the tarmac upon landing in the U.S. by lower-ranking members of the United States government as he touched down Monday afternoon. President Biden canceled his meeting with Netanyahu, citing any one of the countless conspiracy theories floating around online as an excuse.

"I came to meet with Biden but let's be honest, we all know who the real president is," the Israeli P.M. told the press. "It's not like I came thousands of miles across the ocean to have a serious conversation with an American leader regarding our countries' century-long alliance or anything."

As of publishing time, Trump agreed to meet with Bibi as long as the Prime Minister grabbed him one of those cronuts from that awesome bakery on his way out of D.C.

A Babylon Bee subscriber contributed to this report. If you want to pitch your own headline ideas to our staff, click here to check out all of our membership options!

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