John Bolton: 'When Has The Government Ever Lied About Attacks On Ships In A Gulf Somewhere Just To Provoke War?'
Politics · Jun 14, 2019 ·

U.S. - After top U.S. officials claimed Iran attacked ships in the Gulf of Oman this week, John Bolton held a press conference where he asked when the government has ever lied about something like this just to start a war.

"When has the government ever lied about ships being attacked, say in a gulf somewhere, for the purpose of getting involved in another foreign conflict?" he asked. "Can you point to a single time a lie about a minor attack resulted in a major unnecessary war? No, I didn't think so," he said.

"These attacks in the Gulf of Tonk---er, I mean, the Gulf of Oman, excuse me---were definitely carried out by Iran, and we need to invade immediately before people start doubting the narrative."

The nation believed Bolton's account, reporting it had no reason to doubt, as the government would never lie about attacks on ships in a gulf on the other side of the world.

"When has the US government, supported by the media, ever lied about an unprovoked attack on ships in a foreign gulf somewhere just to provoke war?" asked one journalist after writing a piece that didn't question the official U.S. narrative at all. "This has literally never happened before in the history of our nation, so why would they start lying about this kind of stuff now?"

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