Mysterious Masked Man Fights Off Masked Men To Save Masked Man
U.S. · Apr 17, 2020 ·

NEW YORK, NY - An unknown masked man was attacked by a group of masked men, but he was saved when a mysterious masked man fought off the attackers.

"Who was that masked man?" asked a masked bystander. "And the other masked men?"

A masked police officer was soon at the scene, but by then everyone had fled. "We are looking for a number of unknown people," said the unknown officer. 

The mysterious masked mayor of New York even commented on the incident. "While heroism is good and all," said the unidentified mayor at a press conference, "you need to stay six feet away from people."

"Does this show you're losing control of the city?" asked a masked reporter.

This enraged the masked mayor. "What? Who was that masked reporter?"

But the mysterious reporter was gone. Or maybe he was still there among the other people with masks. It was hard to tell. Hard to tell because of the masks.

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