Millennial Horrified As Old Age Filter Shows Him Living On His Own, Working Steady Job
Life · Jul 18, 2019 ·

PORTLAND, OR - Local millennial man Brandon Waller saw his friends posting their selfies from a new app that makes you look older.

Thinking it looked like fun, Waller downloaded the app, quickly granted it permission to access all of his personal data, and ran his face through the old age filter.

Waller's smile turned into a look of horror, however, when he saw what the app did to him: it made him look a few years older, working a steady job, presumably living in his own place. He took the picture in his parents' basement where he currently resides, but the app's advanced algorithm automatically put him at a desk job working hard to provide for himself. It removed his tattoos, gave him a suit jacket that fits him, and combed his hair.

"Oh man, I can't even," he said as he saw an image of what his life would be like once his parents finally kicked him out. "The struggle is real, bra!"

The 35-year-old dependent tried different poses and angles to see if the old age filter would show him living at his parents' house indefinitely, but all it did was show him working, mowing the grass, getting married, and settling down with his family.

Disappointed, the man asked his parents if they could find an apartment and a job for him sometime in the next decade.

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