In Major Social Faux Pas, Trump Body Slams Queen Of England
World · Jul 16, 2018 ·

LONDON, ENGLAND - Nearly causing an international incident, President Donald Trump body slammed the Queen of England, something that is considered an insult in her country.

While in America a body slam is considered a friendly gesture, with people having a good laugh anytime Trump body slams a member of the press, that action seems to be considered hostile on the small tourist island of Britain and is almost never done to a monarch. The faux pas has caused Trump to be excoriated in the British press, which has referred to him as "uncouth" and called him a "scallywag".

"I thought she was trying to put me in a headlock," explained Trump, referring to when the Queen went to pat him on the shoulder, "and no one gets the drop on Trump. So down she went. I guess it surprised her, but we had a good laugh about it." Video of the incident shows only Trump laughing, though, as he stood over the unconscious 92-year-old woman after having just shouted, "Bow down! I'm the king now!"

Earlier, the shoe was on the other foot when Britons had "welcomed" Trump with a medium-sized balloon depicting him as a baby, after obtaining the proper permits to have a balloon in the country. While most people in the U.S. consider such a thing an insult, in Britain, depicting someone as a baby is a way of expressing care and endearment.

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