SIOUX FALLS, SD — According to sources, local married couple Keith and Rebecca Powell can't decide what they want to eat for dinner, and have each decided to ask one another what they want for dinner over and over until they both starve.
"I'm absolutely famished. What do you want for dinner, Keith?" said Rebecca, desperate for something that sounded remotely appetizing.
"Uhhh, I don't know. What do YOU want to eat?" replied Keith with a shrug.
"Well, I asked YOU first."
"Whatever you're in the mood for. I could eat anything."
"We have some leftovers, or we can cook or even order in. What sounds good to you?"
"All those sound good to me. You pick."
According to sources, the couple went back and forth like this for days without offering up a single meaningful suggestion for dinner. While Keith suggested he just wanted "something good," Rebecca said that she didn't really care what they ate and they could just have whatever Keith wanted.
At publishing time, Keith and Rebecca finally agreed that they'd just order a pizza, but sadly starved to death while trying to agree upon toppings.
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