I Will Gladly Believe In God If You'll Just Show Me Evidence His Opinions Are Identical To Mine
Opinion · Jul 15, 2016 · BabylonBee.com

I say God is an illusion. You insist he is real. Well OK then, Christian - I've got a challenge for you. A very simple request.

Show me some evidence.

Just show me some evidence. That's all I ask.

Show me some clear, undeniable evidence that God's opinions about everything are identical to mine. Do that and I will gladly believe in your God and commit my life to him.

If you can't prove to me that literally none of God's thoughts, words, or actions from eternity past until now would bother me, agitate me, or make me uncomfortable in any way, then why are we still talking? What's the point?

You've got a lot of "feelings," "traditions," and "magic books," but when it comes to giving me solid reasons why I can be sure God is pretty much just an all-powerful version of myself, you've got nothing.

Until you bring me the hard facts I'm looking for, I'm not interested. We're just wasting air.


If you can give me some evidence which will prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that God is exactly what I want him to be in every way - nothing more, nothing less - and I will admit you have been right this whole time, fall on my face, and worship him.

That is my challenge to you, Christian.

I'm waiting.

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