Family With 3 Adopted Children Surprised To Learn They Only Care About The Unborn
Christian Living · Jan 9, 2019 ·

FORT WORTH, TX - Because of their Christian beliefs and consistent pro-life convictions, Brent and Lydia Larson have adopted three children and so were surprised to learn Wednesday that they only care about the unborn.

The Larsons were accused of only being pro-life when it comes to babies in the womb and desiring for the death of children once they emerge into the world.

"You Christians only care about the unborn---you're pro-life until the moment of birth, and then you just want babies to die," one man wrote in response to Brent Larson's Facebook comment condemning abortion on a story about Planned Parenthood. "You claim to love babies, yet you're not even willing to ensure one or two have a good home. Typical Christians, so hypocritical."

"Man, I didn't realize we hated children so much," Brent lamented to his wife. "We really have some serious thinking to do."

At publishing time, critics had suggested the Larsons could only be truly pro-life if they adopt at least 70,000 more children.

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