BURBANK, CA — The Walt Disney Company announced a bold new take on a classic remake of a classic film property this week when it unveiled its plan to release the first-ever live-action remake of an animated remake of a live-action remake of an animated remake of a live-action remake.
The exact film property being remade has not yet been announced, but Disney promises it will be a live-action remake of an animated remake that was adapted from a live-action adaptation of an animated remake of the original live-action version of the original animated classic. The plot and script will be unchanged except for a few updates to make it suited for modern audiences, just like all the other remakes.
According to sources, Disney CEO Bob Remake made a special trip down to the fabled Disney Vault to examine former movies and discern which one was best for a remake — again.
"I have huge respect for Walt Disney," the Disney CEO said in a statement. "That's why I'm determined to remake all his films, and then remake all of those films — reusing the same ideas over and over again because, after all, if it ain't broke then don't fix it. Walt Disney said that I think."
He added, "It sure makes my job easier at any rate. Who has time to think up ideas?"
At publishing time, Disney also announced its first-ever animated remake of a live-action remake of an animated remake of a live-action remake of an animated remake of a live-action remake to release the following year.
Under a new presidential order, posting in support of Ukraine will automatically draft you into the military.