Crunched For Time, Pastor Pads Out Sermon With Random G.K. Chesterton Quotes
Church · Jun 11, 2019 ·

MONTE VISTA, FL - With barely any time left before he needed to send off sermon notes to be included in the Sunday bulletin, pastor Martin Barnes quickly googled "G.K. Chesterton quotes" and started throwing them into his sermon at random. Despite not having time to actually read the quotes, Barnes was confident they would go over well with his Sunday crowd. 

Sunday morning he began, "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly," and then charged headlong into the teaching.

The resulting sermon went off without one discernible misstep. "People love Chesterton quotes, even if they make little to no sense," Barnes remarked after the Sunday late service. Many who were at the service said they were inspired and really needed to get around to reading that one book Chesterton wrote.

Barnes said he may attempt to do a service made up entirely of Chesterton quotes some day. "He's just great. You can really tell C.S. Lewis had a huge impact on him."

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