After Stressful Day, Couple Unwinds With Graphic Murder Documentary
Entertainment · Jul 10, 2020 ·

BOISE, ID - At the end of a day full of screaming kids, pressures at work, household chores, and other responsibilities, Boise couple Janet and Sam just want to kick back, put on some PJs, possibly open a bottle of wine and turn on the most unbelievably grotesque murder documentary imaginable.

"We live very busy lives these days," said Sam, "so we have to be intentional about finding those quiet moments, chances to connect just the two of us. And nothing works better than learning about how some sociopath got away with killing so many people." Janet added, "Preferably a dozen or more. Ya know, someone who was really good at it."

"The more brutal the crime, the more relaxing it is."

When asked which murder documentary was their favorite, they had a hard time answering. "That's the thing! There's so many options! So deciding which horrible massacre we want to experience can be the hardest part. It's like picking an ice cream flavor at Baskin Robbins… 'Do I want Gold Medal Ribbon? Banana Nut Fudge? Or Ted Bundy?'"

But the couple is aware of the dangers of watching too much. "We try to be responsible with how much we watch. We don't want to become numb to the violence. We want to enjoy it."

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