CHARLOTTE, NC - The SALT ("Sisters Abiding in Light and Truth") young women's small group from Grace Community Church has organized an extensive community outreach, set to launch this week, with the hopes of reaching every neighborhood in Charlotte Metro with the good news of Plexus, group members explained Wednesday.
Affectionately describing her love for those in her community who are hurting and suffering without the "wellness products and financial freedom" Plexus provides, group leader and Gold Ambassador Michelle Jeffries told reporters she is determined to reach her neighbors and to "do whatever is necessary" to convince them to give their lives to the multi-level marketing firm, begin using their products religiously, and become Qualified Ambassadors themselves, under her sponsorship.
"This is not about my relentless desire to become a Ruby Ambassador. No - this is really about helping my fellow humans made in the image of God. Countless souls right here where I live are not using Plexus Edge, Plexus Boost, or even Plexus Slim - how can I say I love them if I'm not even trying to reach them?" an emotional Jeffries asked.
"I don't care how many awkward conversations I have to have, or how many people reject me. Jesus got rejected a lot, too. I will take the shame to spread the good news of Plexus," group member Melissa Shaw declared, adding that she is horrified by the idea of people in her community going through life and dying without ever hearing that they can sign up to pitch the company's products incessantly to friends and family, spring sales pitches on unsuspecting visitors to their homes, and feverishly post to Facebook about gut health to the point of repelling pretty much everyone they know, earning Shaw money in the process.
"Sharing the good news can be hard and uncomfortable at times, sure," she said. "But just like Jesus promised in Matthew 28, I know he is with me as I labor to reach the next rung of the Plexus comp plan."