America Prepares For Plagues 2 Through 10
U.S. · Apr 15, 2020 ·

U.S. - The U.S. is still reeling from COVID-19, but people feel they've recovered enough that it might be time to finally start plagues two through ten.

"Everyone is really hardening their hearts -- especially before going on Twitter," says plague analyst Roderick Jordan. "And everyone has learned absolutely nothing. It's probably a good time to begin on the next of God's plagues."

President Trump agreed. "I could do like twenty plagues," Trump told the press at one of his daily briefings, "and I'm never going to change my ways." Trump then took out his phone. "See? I'm sending an inappropriate tweet right now. I will never learn and I will never stop no matter what happens."

It's unclear what the next plague will be, but it is quite certain that everyone will complain about it but not change their ways at all until at least eight more plagues after that. Some wish, though, that God would be more specific on what wickedness they're being punished for -- as there is a lot of wickedness going on -- so people know exactly which one to defiantly not stop doing.

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