Church Adds Laugh Track After Pastor's Jokes
Christian Living · Apr 15, 2020 ·

HILLSDALE, IA - Christ Church of the Hills live-streams their sermons every Sunday. One thing that is missing, though, is audience laughter at all of the pastor's hilarious jokes. To make the live-streamed sermon feel more real to the audience, the pastor has instructed the tech team to add a laugh track after each of his jokes.

"How do we know that God loves baseball? Because the Bible starts with 'in the big inning!'" Pastor Jim joked Sunday morning, followed by uproarious laughter from the laugh track. The laugh track crescendoed into a fever pitch of guffaws and delighted screaming at how hilarious he was. "Why couldn't Cain please God? Because he wasn't Abel!" The laugh track nearly died from how funny that one was, cracking up for over a minute. "Get it? Abel? Like able?"

According to sources among the church's members, nobody at home was laughing, but that was alright because the laugh track did all the heavy lifting for them.

Christ Church isn't the only one that's doing this. More pastors are really having trouble preaching as they're used to their congregations laughing really, really hard at all of their incredibly clever quips, puns, and jokes they got out of a sermon joke book. Churches everywhere have adopted Christ Church's approach and are throwing in laugh tracks and "Amen" tracks to make the sermons "really come alive."

Unfortunately, Jim's joke about Boaz being "Ruth-less" bombed hard, and even the laugh track refused to laugh.

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