MCVILLE, ND - After waiting forever in the slowest line at the grocery store, local husband Aaron Honeydew began unloading groceries onto the checkout counter when his thoughtful wife texted the rest of her shopping list to him.
Honeydew read the long text that began with Almost forgot, sighed, said a small prayer asking for patience and perseverance, then trudged back into the aisles in search of the following:
- Bananas some ripe some green
- Maxi pads
- Fresh baked rolls but only if they look delicious
- Kidney beans
- Orange juice
- Kale, organic
- Diced tomatoes if not store brand otherwise get crushed tomatoes but call me if they have peeled Romas
- Don't forget feminine pads!
- Something yummy, like a treat. I don't know what I want so just guess
Exhausted, Honeydew was pulling the grocery bag-filled minivan into the garage after what felt like days when he received another text from his thoughtful wife saying to not worry about the rolls or Maxi pads but don't forget milk because they were all out.
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