Texas Border Patrol Overwhelmed By Unborn Babies Seeking Asylum From Other States
Worldviews · Sep 2, 2021 · BabylonBee.com

TEXAS - Border Patrol workers in Texas are used to monitoring the state's southern border, which it shares with Mexico. But now, they are stretched thin as they are having to monitor the other borders for hordes of unborn babies coming to Texas to seek asylum from their states' more liberal abortion laws.

Massive caravans of unborn babies began migrating toward Texas after learning the state had banned most abortions. Jumping out of their mothers' wombs and piling into cargo vans and busses, the unborn babies flocked to the state in hopes that they won't be killed by their mothers.

"Yeah, I finally decided it was time to seek a better life for me and my future family," said Aiden Ryder, -1 month old, as he got behind the wheel of a Ford 15-passenger van packed with other babies. "I'm in New York, so really, my chances of dying are much higher than a convicted sex offender or murderer. It's worth the dangerous trek through the country to try to save my life."

Texas is accepting the refugees but Border Patrol says it will take some time to process them. And Texas Democrats are now threatening to fly to Washington, D.C. or some tropical vacation locale to protest the immigrants being let into the state. Texas Republicans are delighted by this offer.

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