After Long Day Of Burning Books, Progressive Unwinds By Calling People Nazis
Politics · Mar 8, 2021 ·

PORTLAND, OR - It's been a busy day for progressive Stuart Garner. After spending most of the day fighting to have certain books banned and trying to stop unfettered free speech, he wound down by accusing those opposed to him of being Nazis.

"There's just so much to do," Garner said. "There are all these books no one should be allowed to read, and yet bookstores keep selling them. And then people say lots of dangerous, unregulated things, and it all needs to be taken offline. But of course, we have these Nazis against such things saying, 'People should be able to buy whatever books they like and say what they think.' Typical Nazi rhetoric."

The situation has gotten so dire that Garner has sometimes turned to destruction of property and attacking people to get his way. "We have to stop all this problematic stuff by whatever means necessary. But you know what Nazis think of political violence. They hate it."

Garner worries that there are too many Nazis out there -- probably because they didn't ban books and regulate speech quickly enough. He's starting to wonder if the only way to fight them will be to round them up and reeducate them. "Of course I can hear those Nazis now," he added. "'You can't round people up into camps.' Those Nazis are the worst."

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