LAGUNA BEACH, CA — A group of kids were seen happily building a sandcastle on the California coast Saturday, seemingly unaware that Democracy may very well end this November.
"Yay! This is so fun!" said Steve, a blissfully ignorant seven-year-old boy. "Sarah, can you work on the moat? We need alligators in that moat!"
Onlookers were seen quietly shaking their heads in disapproval, the sight of playful innocence only reminding them of the looming threat of fascism because of Trump.
"How can those dumb kids just sit there being happy?" said Sheila Moors, a local unmarried millennial with 85 cats. "Don't they know what's on the ballot?"
"Democracy is on the ballot! And climate change! We're all gonna die from the climate change!"
Nancy Fellstein, a local teacher who was out for her daily walk, simply shook her head and exclaimed: "Youths!"
Meanwhile, the politically uninformed kids continued to play, each working together to build a sandcastle, completely oblivious to the fact that their world hung in the balance because Republicans might win in November and tear down democracy, just as the tide would soon tear down their sandcastle.
At publishing time, Sheila Moors was arrested after kicking down the kids' sand castle and yelling in their faces that "Trump is literally Hitler" and demanding they stop having fun.
An elite force from DOGE uncovers the most absurd waste of taxpayer dollars.