Ken Ham Opens Ark Of The Covenant Encounter, Thousands Dead
Celebs · Dec 14, 2018 ·

WILLIAMSTOWN, KY - Answers in Genesis' famed Ark Encounter has taken the evangelical world by storm, allowing believers from all over the world to tour what Noah's Ark might have looked like.

Now, Ken Ham is opening a new attraction that will let believers encounter an entirely different kind of ark: the Ark of the Covenant. Using advanced radiation and heating technologies, the attraction lets people feel exactly what it would have been like to touch and open the sacred Ark. 

Each tour group is brought into a dimly lit warehouse, where Ken Ham gives an informative lecture on the design, dimensions, and history of the Ark. Finally, Ham breaks open a wooden crate and shows off the Ark. In the grand finale, lucky volunteers are selected to come forward and open the Ark for all to see what's inside.

"You've experienced the first ark, yes - but what about the second ark?" Ham said to a group of visitors at the park's grand opening Friday. "Feast your eyes upon... the Ark of the Covenant!" His assistants cracked it open and people began running from the room screaming as the park's patented high-powered Face Melter 5000 devices kicked into full gear. Ham was heard cackling in the background.

On the day of the park's opening, over 3,500 people melted to death, a figure Ham said "well exceeded" their expectations.

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