Food Supply Disaster Averted As Chick-Fil-A Miraculously Feeds Entire Nation With Just 5 Chicken Sandwiches, 2 Waffle Fries
Christian Living · Apr 29, 2020 ·

ATLANTA, GA - Food companies have issued dire warnings about the state of the nation's food supply, suggesting there could be significant disruptions and shortages coming thanks to COVID-19-related closures.

But Chick-fil-A has come to the rescue once again, feeding the entire nation with just five chicken sandwiches and two orders of waffle fries. 

Concerned employees approached Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy and said, "Mr. Cathy, the people are getting hungry, but the food supply chain is breaking down. Should we close up shop and send everyone away to starve?"

Cathy replied, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat."

"We have here only five chicken sandwiches left and two orders of waffle fries," said an incredulous manager. 

"Bring them to me," Cathy said. And he directed the customers to sit down. Taking the five chicken sandwiches and two orders of waffle fries and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the employees, who gave them to the people.

Miraculously, there was enough to feed everyone at the restaurant and millions left over: more than enough to feed the entire nation until the food supply chain gets back on track.

"My pleasure," Cathy said as he downed a second frozen lemonade.

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