WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressional Democrats acted quickly to file articles of impeachment against D.J. Daniels, the young black cancer survivor that Trump honored during his speech last night.
During his speech to Congress, Trump deputized the young boy and made him an honorary Secret Service agent. Democrats say this type of obvious grab at power won't be tolerated.
"We must resist," Nancy Pelosi said in an interview on CNN. "No one elected D.J. Daniels! Trump simply appointed him to the Secret Service despite being only thirteen and totally unqualified. I have instructed members of my party to immediately file articles of impeachment against that little cancer kid."
While some in the Democratic party felt it might be unwise to come out as pro-pediatric cancer, Congressional leaders did not waver. "We will never cheer little black boys beating cancer and achieving their dreams," said Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. "That's exactly what Trump wants us to do. We will never support such tyranny."
At publishing time, Democrats had added a new sign to their little paddles reading "Yay brain cancer."
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