CNN Report On Tara Reade A Respectful Minute Of Silence
Politics · Apr 28, 2020 ·

ATLANTA, GA - CNN finally devoted prominent primetime airtime to the sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden by Tara Reade, dedicating a full minute of silence to her. Viewers who tuned in would see Anderson Cooper sitting there quietly, staring and saying nothing to the camera for sixty seconds straight.

"There's nothing more respectful than a minute of silence," said Bob CNN, CNN's CEO and founder. "I can't think of a better way to handle such a serious allegation, and I think nothing more can be said -- beyond the nothing already said."

Soon after the segment, Brian Stelter responded on Twitter to people charging CNN with bias for avoiding the Tara Reade allegations by saying, "We covered it in prime time," and linking to the minute of blank audio.

Some viewers were confused by the minute of silence, as there was no intro explaining what it was for. It was immediately followed by part five of an in-depth look into the implications of the latest Trump tweet.

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