CNN Airs Report About Fox News Airing Report About CNN Airing Report About Fox News
Politics · Jun 21, 2021 ·

NEW YORK CITY, NY - CNN's hit show Reliable Sources has just released a blockbuster report on something Fox News reported regarding CNN's recent reporting of a Fox News report. 

"Wait until you hear what Fox News said about CNN," said Brian Stelter tearfully to the camera. "In last night's report, Tucker Carlson repeated the big lie about what CNN reported about what was previously stated on Fox & Friends about CNN. Where are the fact-checkers? How can these people at Fox be so divorced from reality, unlike CNN, which operates only in the real world-- of all the racist untrue things said on Fox, that is?"

Fox News later responded to Brian Stelter's report about what Tucker Carlson stated about what CNN repeated about what was discussed on Fox & Friends about CNN. 

"What Stelter said about what we said is completely untrue, and doesn't even match with what he said the day before about what we said about what he said, about what we said, about what he said, about what we said, about what he said." 

"It's no wonder CNN's ratings are continuing to fall." 

According to sources, tonight Stelter will be offering his response to what Fox News said. 

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