California Looter Frustrated His New TV Requires Electricity To Work
Worldviews · Sep 9, 2020 ·

SANTA MONICA, CA - Local Black Lives Matter protestor and prolific looter Shawndo Boogerlilly took to Twitter yesterday to express his frustration after realizing his newly acquired TV needed electricity to work properly. After a successful night of looting a local electronics store and scoring a flat-screen, he returned home triumphantly, only to discover the power was off in his apartment. 

Thanks to the ongoing blackouts affecting California, every apartment building on his street was without power. 

He lit some candles and got to work hanging the new TV and plugging it in. When he sat down and pressed the power button, nothing happened. Tired and frustrated, Boogerlilly searched through the instruction manual and found that televisions typically require a source of electricity in order to work properly.

"This is outrageous!" Boogerlilly cried. "I worked all evening to acquire this new TV and now it refuses to turn on without electricity? I'm being oppressed! This is racism! Electricity is a social construct built by the colonial invaders! We must dismantle the oppressive system of electricity!"

Boogerlilly then led a protest outside a nearby power station. After the power company failed to respond to 3 hours of chanted slogans, the protest turned into a riot. The angry rioters then climbed the fence and burned the power plant down. 

Boogerlilly and others in the community are calling the power company to turn the power back on immediately. The power company is promising to restore power as soon as they rebuild the power plant.

A Babylon Bee subscriber contributed to this report. If you want to pitch your own headline ideas to our staff, click here to check out all of our membership options!

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