SAN ANTONIO, TX — Christian radio station K-LOVE has parted ways with the Apostle Paul over his continued struggles to maintain the station's positive and encouraging on-air vibe.
"We sincerely appreciate everything the Apostle Paul brought to our station," said CEO Tim McAfee. "However, after repeated episodes of him calling our listeners 'fools' and telling people to go castrate themselves, we have decided to part ways. We wish him the best in his future endeavors."
The Apostle Paul initially was recruited to become a DJ at K-LOVE on the strength of his remarkably encouraging, well-received letter to the church in Philippi. "After reading that, we thought hiring Paul was a slam dunk," said Mr. McAfee. "Unfortunately, his idea of being encouraging on-air sometimes included encouraging callers to shape up, lest he come beat them with a rod. It just wasn't a good culture fit."
According to sources, the Apostle Paul plans to respond to his firing by KLOVE with a strongly-worded note.
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