Brought to you by: Genesis Apologetics
Do you believe evolution is real, or are you an anti-science moron?
If you're still on the fence, The Babylon Bee has compiled the following list of irrefutable proofs that the "theory" of evolution is an absolute settled fact:
John Fetterman: A most fascinating example of a missing link.
The Dodgers won the World Series: Where is your God now?
Bill Nye the Science Guy said so on an episode of Bill Nye the Science Guy: And science is literally in his name.
Doritos Locos Tacos: Clearly the result of millions of years of evolutional progress.
You walked from your house to the car today and didn't even see God anywhere: What more proof do you need?
Humans weren't made with cool dragon scales that can deflect gunfire: That seems like it was an oversight.
Men have nipples: Checkmate.
All Redditors write "god" with a lowercase "g": And there is no greater authority on anything than a Redditor.
Look at Kamala Harris: There's no way she was intelligently designed.
There you have it: clear and indisputable evidence that evolution is real. Strengthen the case by adding your own findings in the comments.
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