7 Ways GTA Points Us To Christ
Faith Tips · Jun 1, 2021 · BabylonBee.com

Whenever we enjoy secular entertainment, as Christians, it's important for us to spiritualize it so we don't feel guilty. This is especially important when enjoying media that's downright filthy. 

So next time you boot up a Grand Theft Auto game, take a few minutes -- perhaps during the loading screens -- to reflect on these important spiritual truths and pictures of Christ the game has in spades:

1. Murdering hookers reminds us of our depravity. - When you pay for a hooker's services and then run her over with your stolen sports car, you will be powerfully reminded of how sinful and depraved you are, pointing you to Christ. Wow!

2. The three playable characters in GTA V reflect the Trinity. - You can play as Michael, Trevor, and Franklin, switching between them at will, just like the Trinity. Wait, this one might be heresy actually. Still, it's too much of a coincidence to ignore.

3. We are reminded of God's justice when seventeen cop cars come screaming after us after we blew up a city block with a bazooka. - When the popo is hot on your tail, gunning you down with helicopters and dozens of squad cars, you'll be reminded of the justice of the Lord on the wicked. It's just like reading the Psalms.

4. The game takes up like 100 GB of hard drive space, reminding us that Christ should occupy our entire life. - Let the Lord take up your entire partition.

5. Spending time in the game's strip clubs is good practice for evangelizing the hurting, lost people of this world. - You will be moved to tears over how lost the strippers and the strip club patrons are in this game. It's a moving picture of how lost the world is, and you'll find yourself turning off your Xbox and running outside to go evangelize the lost in no time!

6. The game's compass and minimap guide us to the next mission, very similar to how the Holy Spirit leads us to His divine appointments for us. - Another one that miiiight be heresy.

7. Running over two dozen pedestrians in a garbage truck is a beautiful picture of the way Jesus runs over our sinful hearts when He saves us. - When Jesus saved you, he ran you over like a dump truck. You'll praise the Lord for His salvation every time you go on a murderous rampage in a truck!

Wow! Now go fire up your gaming PC to do some "devotionals" right this instant!

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