On The Babylon Bee Interview Show, Kyle and Ethan talk to Christian astrophysicist, speaker, and author, Dr. Jason Lisle. They talk about dinosaurs, cavemen, evidence of a young earth, and the Bible as a history book. Dr. Lisle obtained a Master’s degree and Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado. He has since written a number of best selling books on the topic of creation including: Taking Back Astronomy, Stargazer’s Guide to the Night Sky, the Ultimate Proof of Creation, Discerning Truth, and Understanding Genesis. He also founded the Biblical Science Institute, where they help defend the Christian worldview against people who call it unscientific.
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Topics Discussed
Bible as a history book
The problem of death before sin
Genesis being doctrine
Snopes article about creationism being a conspiracy
Humans as one race
Current state of Young Earth Creationists scholarship
Human origins
Dinosaurs and cavemen
Evidence of the Young Earth
Carbon dating
Origin of the universe explained with popcorn
Subscriber Portion
The great flood
Geological evidence of the flood
Theological problems with Aliens
Slugs on the Arc
Accuracy of the Interstellar movie
Distant starlight problem
Problem with measuring speed of light
10 Questions