Serious Prayer Request Totally Buzzkills Local Men's Prayer Breakfast
Christian Living · Aug 10, 2016 ·

BARBERTON, OH - Everyone knows that eggs, coffee, and surface-level conversations are the three main ingredients for a successful men's prayer breakfast. Everyone, that is, except local man Daniel Oliver, who callously made a serious prayer request at his church's Tuesday morning breakfast-and-prayer event.

According to witnesses, Oliver was seated with two of the church's deacons and several other church members, who were having a great time chatting about baseball in the true spirit of the men's prayer breakfast. Oliver then suddenly broke down crying, blurting out through his tears that he and his wife Elizabeth were thinking of separating and that he really needed prayer and guidance through the trial.

Embarrassed at Oliver's total buzzkill of the lively atmosphere at the prayer breakfast, the deacons escorted him outside, where he was given a gospel tract and New Testament and sent on his way before he could do any more damage.

"We're not against prayer," a deacon told reporters after the incident. "But I mean, there's a time and a place, and this clearly wasn't an appropriate setting. We're just glad most of the men were distracted by a video replay of Mike Trout's 1000th hit we had up on an iPad in the center of the table, or we could really have had a disaster on our hands here."

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