TAMPA, FL — A local man's fitness routine was just long enough for him to find the perfect podcast to listen to during his fitness routine, according to sources.
Ray Valdivia was eager to get to the gym and get in a good sweat but more than an hour into his routine, he still found himself searching through various podcasts to find one he wanted to listen to while exercising.
"One, two, three — Joe Rogan? no, not that one — four, five, six," he was overheard whispering to himself while working out and staring at his phone. "Fourteen, fifteen — classic baseball stories? Nah, not in the mood for that — sixteen, seventeen, eighteen…"
By the time Valdivia had completed his workout for the day, he had finally determined what it was he wanted to listen to while he worked out. "Sweet, a biography of David Koresh!" he exclaimed to himself after finishing his last set of exercises. "That sounds really interesting. That's exactly what I want to listen to during my workout. Well… all done working out now. Time to shower and head back home."
At publishing time, it had been reported that Valdivia had spent the rest of the day binge-listening to his chosen podcast, leaving him without anything to listen to the next time he would come to the gym for a workout.
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