FLINT, MI — In a selfless and helpful act, local husband Peter Crampton pointed out all the historical inaccuracies in the episode of 'Downton Abbey' that his wife Ellenor was watching.
According to sources, the couple had just started watching the Season Three Christmas Special episode when Peter noticed that one of the signs on a railway station platform was lettered in Gill Sans, which actually wasn't standardized until the late 1920s.
"Season Three is supposed to be a deep dive into the years 1920-1921," Peter helpfully explained. "And even if the Gill Sans font were a development on the earlier typeface Underground, it still would have had absolutely no business cavorting around Yorkshire at that point in time. That's just basic history."
Peter said Ellenor was "fairly unimpressed" by his addition to the viewing experience.
"She wasn't even interested when I pointed out that they messed it up with Robert staying home during the war, even though the British army would have totally required the presence of any men with prior army experience," Peter noted. "And the Crawley girls would have been expected to be patriotic examples to everyone in the village but Mary did literally nothing at all, ever. It's like, get it right, people!"
At publishing time, Ellenor had helpfully asked Peter to explain the entire plot of Gladiator after falling asleep on his shoulder midway through the movie, prompting Peter to launch into another hour of ranting about the historical inaccuracies in that movie, too.
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